Free Art Submissions New Category

FREE?  As in totally you-aren’t-going-to-charge-me?  Yes.  That is right.  Bj. deCastro has decided to expand the Free Resources section of her website into her blog.  Here you will find (and it’s not as easy as you think) absolutely FREE Art Submissions to free artists contests, free artist exhibitions, free art publications, free art fairs, free art shows, free artist showings, free artist online display sites, etc. Email the information to Bj. deCastro and it will be posted here, as long as, it is FREE to the artist.

(*Boring legal disclaimer:  Bj. deCastro, deCastro Studios, decastroart, Bj.’s Web Works – or any other division of deCastro Studios, will not be held responsible for the actions of the respective companies and/or affiliations within these listings.  This is a free service.)

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Hover over link first

Use your mouse to test emails for Scams!

Wednesday 28 June 2006 @ 6:54 am

Just a reminder and/or a tip…simply place your mouse over the link in your email without clicking.  Then look at the bottom of your application window in the left hand corner…. 

Here you will see the ‘actual’ Internet address.  Compare it to the link that is typed in the message or the linked word.

I.e.  On eBay and Paypal scam emails, the link will lead you to believe that you need to sign in and give them your account credit card.  However, if you hover over the word or link and look at the bottom…you will find that the link actually goes to some address like:

*btw – both of the above companies will ALWAYS have your account name at the top of official and legit emails.  Never – ‘Dear Paypal User’.

Most people do not understand that the first words after the www. is the domain or subdomain that they will be going to.  Scammers count on this.  So when they make these temporary sites, it is usually something like:  www.

Then…unknowing clickers see the word ‘ebay’ and ‘member’ (or the like) and think it is legitimate.

If you don’t have the hover option in your email program for some reason, you can right click on the link and see the ‘Properties’.  Or, you can go to your top menu >> Click File >> Click Properties.

Hope this helps!
Bj. de Castro, Fine Artist
Classical Realism Paintings

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Bye-bye Art Scam Category

I started the Art Scams blog because of the horrible stories I had emailed to me from fellow artists and there were no warnings posted anywhere at the time.  Now, there are much larger art networks that have taken the torch with greater success on a grander scale.  There is no more need for my whimpy blog, anymore.

In all honesty, I am just getting too old to deal with the ‘backlash’.  I also simply do not have the time to keep up with it – being only one person.  It is much better suited for a large network of individuals that can share the load of responding, handle the insults and deal with the legal threats.  Yes.  Even bad guys have lawyers.

There are many, many sites RSSing this one, so I will apologize in advance for the,  now, ‘bad links’.  For you to recognize my work has always been an honor.

However…I will continue to add some of the daily ‘Ask Bj.’ emails that I get to the category here with the same name.  Many of these deal with art, help for artists, art scam issues, spam and website scams, computer and art business tips, selling art of eBay and any other general art help I can offer.  I will not be posting the actual scam email any longer.

You can find all other webmaster, web design, SEO tips tricks answers and advice in my Website Help category.  If I don’t know the answer, I can certainly send you in the right direction toward fellow colleagues for their help.


“Success follows your passion…so brave your life a smile!”…bj.

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Canvas Prints

CanvasonDemand – Canvas On Demand transforms your pictures, digital photo enlargements, traditional photo enlargements, family portraits, senior portraits and pet portraits into beautiful giclee style canvas prints. A photo on canvas makes for a unique gift for any occasion

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What is ‘Spidered’ – put simply.

‘Spidered’ is what it is called when the Search Engines decide your site is worthy of listing in their databases and your files are spread across the Internet.  (sites do not show up in searches, until they are listed.)

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Use your mouse to test emails for Scams!

Just a reminder and/or a tip…simply place your mouse over the link in your email without clicking.  Then look at the bottom of your application window in the left hand corner….

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What is a link farm? Should I submit?

“Bj…would you take a look at this link request and tell me if it is a good thing?”

Good morning!

If you click on the link and go to the page, you will see that what they are
offering you is an EIGHT page-deep link farm.  *Remember what I told you
about SE spiders only going 4 deep?  There are rare exceptions, but always pertaining to articles (content).  That means the page they are touting ‘a grandiose future’ – will never be ranked at all.

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Art Fakes

It is unfortunate and absolutely NOT a compliment that Bj. de Castro’s Fine Art Paintings and Prints are being forged.  In order to protect unsuspecting buyers and decastroart’s International Copyright Law Rights, we are going to start listing the offenders below.

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Working with Online Galleries

Showing your art online with an Internet Art Gallery

“Bj., do you find it positive to show online with the Internet Art Galleries, what are my options, how do I choose and what about sales?”

The very first time I did a seach-right after I finished my first website, I found only a handful of sites that had anything to do with art. As one of the pioneering artists on the Internet, I knew the day would come, when there would be thousands of pages of website links on search engines. Well, that day has come. All the avenues I take to display my work, i.e., my personal website, my eBay stores/auctions, the brick-and-mortar galleries, distributors, the over 40 online galleries that represent my work and many others, creates a network of expose that consistently spider-webs outward-introducing my art to the entire world. The most important thing to remember, when you are deciding rather or not to sign with an online gallery is the promotional value, which is tremendous! As a consumer, you know… that you can look for something, but if you can’t find it…you can’t buy it. You may give up, or you may buy something similar that you do find while shopping-depending on how readily available the item is. Art is everywhere. So, for the art buyer, the later is more likely to happen, unless it is a specific piece they are looking for.. For there are two types of art sales…customers that buy your work-just because they like it. And the second…are customers that buy your work-just because it’s your work. It is similar to car purchases and many other industries. I.e., some consumers will simply buy the car that they are attracted to-no matter who the maker is. While other consumers will only buy a Chevy, or American-made models. They will scout through the options of that maker, until they find one that they are attracted to. This is the ‘loyal consumer’…the one you want to earn. But first, you need to introduce yourself.

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Carol Simpson Shares a Video

This slide show has been around in various versions.

This one is my favorite. For those of you who believe,

it will be an added ray of light to illuminate your way.

Don’t forget to turn up the volume and enjoy….

Please click on: The interview

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