Reviews & Collector’s Comments
That Way, Hawaii (Red McCaw) print
“Hi Bj. I received your print today. Next to my baby Boomer, I have never seen anything with red feathers that was so absolutely gorgeous. I truly am in awe of your ability to capture a memory so beautifully. This print will take an honored place in my home and be enjoyed each day. Thank … Continue reading
Categories: Reviews & Collector's Comments
Tags: bird, mccaw, paintings, parrot, red parrot, watercolors
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Morgan Shadoah, charcoal, goes to Italy
“Hi Bj. Any new sketches? One of your sketches (the one with Shadoah sort of coming out of the tree) went to Italy! A very good friend of Steve’s Aunt came to visit. She told us, her riding instructor brought the first 4 Morgan horses over to Europe. Andyway, she rides Morgans and fell in … Continue reading
Categories: Reviews & Collector's Comments
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Your European Paintings
“I have three pieces of your artwork framed and hanging in the stairwell of our home. They beautifully bring back memories of a European vacation we were able to enjoy earlier this year. Your ability to capture the true feelings of an area is truly amazing. Thank you again.”…Bill