Art.com – Art, prints, posters!
Art, Prints, Posters!
Be a character in a novel contest!
Enter a name to be used as the basis of one of the characters in an upcoming novel.Â
Email us on how you would fit the part of one of the characters in the upcoming novel. A “pen name” is allowed for the character rather than your own name if you wish. However, all entries must have a valid Email address. If you are chosen to be one of the characters – it is necessary for McFarlane Media Group to contact you.
More Info here:Â Free Contest
Free Art Display, Gallery, Exhibit
Hi Bj
I hope you don’t mind me contacting you like this but whilst I was surfing the net I happened upon your site and I was impressed with your Artwork. Consequently, I would like to invite you to take a look at http://www.myartprofile.com/
Where you can:
Display or sell your artwork or your Galleries artwork for FREE Read more
Need an art price?
Artprice, the true price of fine art – Fine art pricing information.
Free Art Gallery Display at artscad
 contributes significantly to the promotion of the arts and artists on the Internet. Our objective is to offer a free gallery medium, along with effective promotional tools for artists who are eager to actively promote their work on the Internet.
Free Art Submissions – Antiques n More
Add your antiques and collectibles, with photo, to one of the most popular Antique community sites on the web – Antiques ‘n More!
Your listing and photo will reach thousands of potential customers who visit Antiquesnmore.com every day…and it costs you nothing! Choose from a variety of categories to list your products and services – and add your photo or business logo free.
It’s quick and easy. Go to http://www.antiquesnmore.com/ and add your listing and photo today!
Merging domains, Keywords and SEO
“I want to merge old domains into one. How should I do this? Do I redirect? And can you explain keywords and SEO very plainly?”
If the old sites get very little fame, then I would just start anew. If you are going to close one, the other, or both…then there will be no redirect or .htaccess file to work with.
If it is only a case of being a financial burden, then I can give you the name of a hosting company that gives you unlimited free domains hosted, after you purchase just one…Dreamhost. Then you can leave everything the way it is and utilize the .htaccess file. Send them to the new domain and hopefully, there are no guarantees – keep your ranking and SERP stats. Read more
Free Art Submission and Display
At The Western Artist, you can post your western-themed art and photo absolutely free, or browse through hundreds of local and national western artist’s work. Read more
Free Art Display at ArtandDesignOnline
http://www.artanddesignonline.com/ has grown into a worldwide community having had over 1 million visitors and averaging over a 1000 visitors a day…and our journey has only just begun! Join now and list your art!
Free Online Gallery – Your Gallery
A new development here at the Saatchi Gallery. We have created a new resource entitled “Your Gallery” that allows artists to post their work and information on The Saatchi Gallery site. You have your own page which you can update as much as you wish. You can post up to eight images, biographical information, information about your art, as well as your contact details and website address. This is not a transaction site and there is no fee, we have created this to assist artists in raising their profiles. Curators, collectors as well as the thousands of visitors we get everyday have the opportunity to view your work. I would like to invite you to post your work onto the site. If you are interested please visit: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/