Dear Bj. deCastro,
Your artwork will be featured in the St. Thomas This Week magazine for the month of May. Â You are the best!
Many blessings,
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California Realism Artist, Bj. deCastro – Awards & News for Collectors. |
Dear Bj. deCastro,
Your artwork will be featured in the St. Thomas This Week magazine for the month of May. Â You are the best!
Many blessings,
de Castro’s work “That Way, Hawaii” and the Nelson Mandela Art Center Grand Opening! “That Way, Hawaii” was selected to represent ‘arts unification’ at the ceremonies on February 7, 2003 at The Island Courtyard Convention Center in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
 “Fire Knife Dance” to be Featured in Muscle Polynesia Magazine! Tui Letuli, Publisher of Muscle Polynesia will be featuring “Fire Knife Dance” in the Magazine. His father was the originator of the Fire Knife from Samoa. His father just passed away July of last year, but the Fire Knife lives on all around the world. There is a Fire Knife Competition in Samoa sponsored by The Flaming Sword of Samoa in May of 2004 in American Samoa. Letuli will be promoting that event in his Health, Fitness and Muscle Magazine called Muscle Polynesia. He will feature de Castro’s painting in that issue of the magazine.
de Castro joins St. Thomas, USVI Gallery. The Ninth Life Fine Art Gallery 6812 Estate Smith Bay 40B
St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00802 340-777-8190
“Bj…we sold the art you sent us! Â Thanks and please send more!”
Bj. deCastro’s work will be on exhibit at Electronic Cottage. Watercolors, oil paintings in photorealism on paper and canvas of travel, landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes and animals.
de Castro to exhibit at The International Art Contest! For a 5th year in a row, de Castro’s work was selected to be on exhibit and up for judging, so come vote for your favorite! Entries will be online for voting Aug. 1st through Dec. 31st.
de Castro signs with Distributor/Publisher Virtual Art Solutions! A Beverly Hills based company, Virtual Art Solutions is a true innovator in the business of selling art. de Castro has been selected as one of the artists to be featured on their own VG2 system in retail stores and galleries where hundreds of works of art can be displayed on state-of-the-art flat panel plasma monitors and sold to retail customers. Home Depot Expo stores are the first to launch this new and exciting concept, where you may purchase Nappers, Peace Lily, Brenda 1, Baby Sierra Red, Spanish Steps, St. John Wedding, Valle de los Caidos, Vizcaya, Tower Bridge, Memoir de Paris, Pei Pyramid & Hiding Place. *The works de Castro has on display there are only available through Virtual Art Solutions.
de Castro joins Art-bridge Gallery.
de Castro selected to the 2003 Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea Citta’ di Firenze – Italia. The internal jury selected de Castro’s work for participation in this Florence Biennale 2003.
de Castro wins jury panel as Finalist in a multi-level process of the committee at the Ascension Gallery of Fine Art.