Free art – artist online gallery

ImageKind – A new way to set up free online galleries and earn money from your digital photos and art.

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Free online art display

Free Online gallery at!  Join Now!  Artists, photos, illustration, 3d art, fine art, anime…creative talent invited!

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How to read and what to look for in Scam Emails:

Art Scam Emails

To See The Source Code: Open Email…Click on File…Click on Properties…Click on Details…Click on Message Source

First, look at the ‘Received: from’ lines. Usually, if there are nothing but a long list of numbers, that should be your first clue. You are also looking for servers that specialize in email spamming accounts. Most will have obvious addresses-like, or an obvious program name like Send It Out All Over Pro Ver. XX.X

Second, try to copy the IP address and see if it gets you anywhere…usually not, but it’s worth a try. They appear in the [ ] and look like this: I must warn you here…most of these are set up on servers that rotate the IP’s just for this purpose. Paste the IP in the address bar of your Internet Explorer.

Third, try to do a search for the server/domain. Look at the LAST word before the .com Highlight the last word and .com/.net and do a search for that. ex…

Forth, try to find the last step in the Whois database. Do a search for Whois. Then type in the .com name. You will need to be a detective here. Click on all the available links to search for information. If it is bogus, you will find ‘piggy-back’ server info with ranges like – If it is legit, you will find registrar information on the owner, admin and like, which you can then contact.

If this all stumps you, then you should go with the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true…it usually is.” Also, keep in mind that these people do this for a living, believe it or not, so they are very crafty. Often times, they will only ask for a couple pieces of your work-so to, throw you off the track. If you can’t find bonified information about their company…don’t do it!

I hope this helps…bj

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Website Owners…Do You Know If You Do?

 by Bj. de Castro, Artist and SEO Webmaster

 Bj. just saw a thief on t.v. – beware site owners!

O.k.  I walk out of my office and into the kitchen where my wonderful newly retired husband has just made me lunch.  We sit down together on the sofa and click on the ol’ plasma for some entertainment.  We find a brand new court show.  Um..we can never get enough of those.  It’s just like watching reality boxing without any physical contact, LOL.

However and to my horror…I discover the defendant is this wonderful lady that owns a flower shop and trusts the wrong person – VERY wrong person, to do her site for her…a toby something.  It all broke my heart.

NEVER, EVER should your webmaster own your domain name!  It is legally yours and yours only.  Make sure it is licensed in your name and NOT the person doing your site!  If you suspect they are not being honest…do a search for WHOIS and look up the domain name registration information for your site.  YOUR name should be listed with all of your contact information.
a-Owner should be you.
b-Admin can be you or your webmaster
c-Tech can be you or your webmaster

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Categories: Ask Bj. | 2 Comments

Arts and Kids Free Contest

Arts and kids has just announced that it is now accepting entries for its Annual Open Art Competition.  The contest is open to everyone 17 years of age and under, and entry is free.

“Everyone will receive an individual acknowledgement of their artwork, and will enjoy an equal chance of winning the contest, since entrants will be judged using age-appropriate standards,” stated Suzanne Lawrence of Arts and Kids, an organization dedicated to bringing the work of young artists to the public’s attention.  “in the last ten years, we have awasred over $100,000 to talented artists, most of whom have never before entered–or expected to win–any type of artistic competition.”

Read all about it here at artcontest.

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Renderosity Contests

go to

Renderosity has ongoing contests for it’s members to participate in. 
It is the leading online art community for 2D and 3D digital artists, animators, photographers and writers. Membership is free! We have thousands of free 3D models, textures, tutorials and galleries.

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Short Video & Art contest

Welcome to Zannel Fest

The World’s Most Gargantuan Short Video & Art Contest

Charge up your batteries, polish your lens, do some deep knee bends and wash out your paint brushes cuz it’s Zannel Fest! It’s the contest that challenges you to create pieces of media that you think will amuse and inspire people so much that they’ll feel like snatching a Russian satellite and broadcasting it to the world.

spacerCheck out the categories and prizes, sign up, and upload your work!
It’s as easy as shaking a stick.
People are free to submit as much as they want in the picture or video categories.  Also, as an added bonus, anyone who submits to the contest is going to get their own channel on our Zannel network, which is be a whole new way to share pictures and videos on mobile phones as well as the web.  The network is also free to use, and we will be launching our open beta next month, and more officially in March.

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Arts and Kids Annual Open Art Competition

Arts and Kids has just announced that it is now accepting entries for its Annual Open Art Competition. The contest is open to everyone 17 years of age and under, and entry is free.

Everyone will receive an individual acknowledgement of their artwork, and will enjoy an equal chance of winning the contest, since entrants will be judged using age-appropriate standards,” stated Suzanne Lawrence of Arts and Kids, an organization dedicated to bringing the work of young artists to the public’s attention. “In the last ten years, we have awarded over $100,000 to talented artists, most of whom have never before entered–or expected to win–any type of artistic competition.”

Young Artists Have a Chance to Win $5,000.00 in Prizes! In addition to the 150 scholarships and prizes totaling $5,000 that will be awarded to young artists, a $500 grant will be awarded to the school of the Grand Prize Winner for art education, art supplies, or art-related technology. Read more »

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State-Fish Art Grades 4-12 Postmarked by 3-31-07

2007 State-Fish Art Contest:  A Call for Entries
Students in Grades 4-12 Eligible to Win Scholarships, Art Supplies & Fishing Gear

BROOKLYN CENTER, MN  - Students across the United States have the opportunity to win recognition and prizes while learning about state-fish species and aquatic habitats.  The State-Fish Art Contest uses art to spark the imagination of youth while providing lessons about fisheries conservation.

A talented artist in grades 10-12 will be selected as the national “Best of Show” winner and will receive a $2,500 tuition scholarship to attend The Art Institutes International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota), a leading creative college Read more »

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E-Card Art Contest

Our e-card art contest is a great way for artists to gain exposure on the internet. If you have a creative or artistic side, why not enter our contest? If one of your images is selected for use as one of our e-cards, we can (if you so desire) include a short biography, including your photo, a link to your web site, your e-mail address, and a link to each of your images on our web site, on the Our Special Artists page. Your image(s) will be seen by a broad audience of potential customers. An artist’s best opportunity to attract visitors is by displaying art! All artwork will remain the property of the artist, and will be protected with his/her copyright under each image displayed.

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