Hi Bj
I hope you don’t mind me contacting you like this but whilst I was surfing the net I happened upon your site and I was impressed with your Artwork. Consequently, I would like to invite you to take a look at http://www.myartprofile.com/
Where you can:
Display or sell your artwork or your Galleries artwork for FREE
Build a complete profile of yourself for your Gallery for FREE
Advertise your website for commissions, receive your own unique URL and advertise your other websites and exhibitions all completely FREE
Upload unlimited Images and Galleries FREE
We charge 0% commission on sales and you guessed it Subscription is also FREE
It is in the final stages of building, is totally free for life, for Artists of all ages using all mediums and allows Artists to communicate with other like-minded friends.
We take the strain from Artists by promoting our site globally so the Artist can do what they do best. All we ask is that you tell your friends about us.
At http://www.myartprofile.com/ we use advertisers to pay our bills, NOT our members.
If you would like to call in on us, please feel FREE to add some Artwork, it takes about 1 minute and we would love to see some of your unique works. We currently have visitors from all over the world and are heading towards 1 million page loads per day within months.
But most importantly, don’t forget it’s all FREE….
Kindest regards