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“ moved by your painting of Liberty..”

Posted by on 6/28/2011

When I came to your website, I had to go see the Statue of Liberty.   I do not have the words to describe how that paintng moved me.  Granted, I can go overboard about the United States, but if I was a millionaire, I would help each and every military person live in luxury.  The National Anthem makes me proud everytime, but especially, when a huge football player has tears running down his face, while it is being played.  “Pride”…that is what I saw in your painting of the Statue of Liberty.  Black Cat, Zoo in San Francisco.  His eyes tell me… he is very inquisitive. He misses very little that goes on around him.   He looks kind of empty without much companionship in his life. Lonesome.  He looks like he could be gentle with the right person. All of this combined in his eyes…. he also has the look of power in his body to give him the respect he demands. – Carol Simpson, Yuba City, CA  Prima Kosta Rancho

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