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State-Fish Art Grades 4-12 Postmarked by 3-31-07

Posted by on 1/26/2007

2007 State-Fish Art Contest:  A Call for Entries
Students in Grades 4-12 Eligible to Win Scholarships, Art Supplies & Fishing Gear

BROOKLYN CENTER, MN  - Students across the United States have the opportunity to win recognition and prizes while learning about state-fish species and aquatic habitats.  The State-Fish Art Contest uses art to spark the imagination of youth while providing lessons about fisheries conservation.

A talented artist in grades 10-12 will be selected as the national “Best of Show” winner and will receive a $2,500 tuition scholarship to attend The Art Institutes International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota), a leading creative college for design, culinary and media arts education located in downtown Minneapolis.  The first-runner up nationally in grades 10-12 will receive a $1,000 tuition scholarship to Ai Minnesota. 

One “gallery-quality” winning entry will also be used as the design for the 2007 Art of Conservation Stamp.  Proceeds from the sale of the State-Fish Art conservation stamp are used to support fisheries conservation and education projects nationwide.

Entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2007.  Winners will be announced May Day, May 1, 2007.  The 9th Annual Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Contest is open to all students in grades 4 through 12. 

To enter, young artists nationwide create an illustration of their chosen state-fish. A written composition on its behavior, habitat, and conservation is also required.

Visit the site for full details at:  State-Fish Art Contest

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