Our e-card art contest is a great way for artists to gain exposure on the internet. If you have a creative or artistic side, why not enter our contest? If one of your images is selected for use as one of our e-cards, we can (if you so desire) include a short biography, including your photo, a link to your web site, your e-mail address, and a link to each of your images on our web site, on the Our Special Artists page. Your image(s) will be seen by a broad audience of potential customers. An artist’s best opportunity to attract visitors is by displaying art! All artwork will remain the property of the artist, and will be protected with his/her copyright under each image displayed.
Please read our Terms & Conditions regarding submissions. Here are some additional guidelines to keep in mind:Â Â Â
1. Site Theme. This web site focuses on e-cards that express emotion, and these are the kinds of e-cards that we are looking for. The artwork can be funny, romantic, or sentimental, but should express some kind of emotion. The artwork should also be suited to one of the everyday or seasonal card categories listed in the left-hand menu. 2. Trademarks. Please do not send any artwork that references trademarked characters (eg: Mickey Mouse). 3. Format. Please send the images in GIF or JPG format. We are also looking for animated (Flash) cards. Please send Flash cards in the standard SWF format. 4. Text. Do NOT add any text to the image itself. If you have a caption or blurb that you would like to include, please send the text separately. We will incorporate the text ourselves. 5. Title. Please include a title for your image. The title can be up to 18 characters including spaces. 6. Dimensions. The e-card image will be sized to one of the following dimensions depending the shape. Portrait: 300×400. Landscape: 400×300. Square: 300×300. For best results, please resize/crop the image to one of those dimensions. 7. File Size. Please keep the size of the file under 1000k. 8. Medium. Images drawn with markers tend to produce the most vibrant colors when displayed over the web. 9. Copyrights. Please do NOT submit copied/stolen artwork. Once you read the Terms and Conditions and guidelines, just send us an e-mail with the words E-Card Art Contest in the subject line with your artwork attached at the end. Please include the following FOUR pieces of information with your e-mail: your name, your e-mail address, the image (sent as an attachment), and a title. |
Thank you! We look forward to your submissions. |