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Free Art Submissions New Category

Posted by on 1/26/2007

FREE?  As in totally you-aren’t-going-to-charge-me?  Yes.  That is right.  Bj. deCastro has decided to expand the Free Resources section of her website into her blog.  Here you will find (and it’s not as easy as you think) absolutely FREE Art Submissions to free artists contests, free artist exhibitions, free art publications, free art fairs, free art shows, free artist showings, free artist online display sites, etc. Email the information to Bj. deCastro and it will be posted here, as long as, it is FREE to the artist.

(*Boring legal disclaimer:  Bj. deCastro, deCastro Studios, decastroart, Bj.’s Web Works – or any other division of deCastro Studios, will not be held responsible for the actions of the respective companies and/or affiliations within these listings.  This is a free service.)

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