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deCastro is Featured Artist at Art-O-Take

Posted by on 4/12/2003

Bj. de Castro is “Featured Artist” at Art-O-Take/Art Things Up!  As a pioneering artist to first go up on the Internet, de Castro has always enjoyed ‘cutting-edge’, revolutionary and exciting representation to distribute her work.  Welcome to Art-O-Take, soon to be, Art Things Up.  An Art Sales and Rent-To-Own company.  Art Things Up believes that art belongs to the people and therefore should be available for everyone.  They provide an exciting, exclusive and unique method to obtain affordable and continually changing art.  Change your art on a regular basis.  Experience your art before buying.  New art continually added.  Flexible exchanges. No big investment.  Option to buy. Discounts.   Take a moment to explore their site and discover the features and benefits of renting art, which perfectly fit in your home or business.  “Our collection includes an extensive range of artwork from PROMINENT artists, each with their own style and variety to guarantee a wide selection to our customers”, Art Things Up.   Come see “Featured Artist”, Bj. de Castro.

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