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Bj. deCastro Painting Featured in Muscle Polynesia Magazine

Posted by on 3/12/2003

Fire Knife Dance Painting in Muscle Polynesia Magazine! Watercolor painting, Fire-Knife Dance, Hawaii, by artist Bj. deCastro “Fire Knife Dance” to be Featured in Muscle Polynesia Magazine! Tui Letuli, Publisher of Muscle Polynesia will be featuring “Fire Knife Dance” in the Magazine.  His father was the originator of the Fire Knife from Samoa. His father just passed away July of last year, but the Fire Knife lives on all around the world. There is a Fire Knife Competition in Samoa sponsored by The Flaming Sword of Samoa in May of 2004 in American Samoa. Letuli will be promoting that event in his Health, Fitness and Muscle Magazine called Muscle Polynesia. He will feature de Castro’s painting in that issue of the magazine.

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